Used Logos
200 logos from the golden era of Danish minimalism.
From piles of used and abandoned logos found in the logo designers’ archives, Peter Graabæk presents Danish logos which are beautiful designs on the verge of being forgotten.
First comprehensive collection of Danish logo design.
Used Logos
200 Danish logos + 57 designer bios
240 pages
English + Danish
ISBN 978-87-974108-0-6
Available for purchase from various bookstores such as Saxo, Gucca or New Mags as well as from the shop at Design Museum Denmark.
Brugte logoer
200 logoer fra dansk minimalismes gyldne æra.
Fra bunker af brugte og udtjente logoer fundet i logo-designernes egne arkiver har Peter Graabæk udvalgt danske logoer, som er smukt design på glemslens rand.
Første omfattende samling af dansk logodesign.
Brugte logoer
200 danske logoer + 57 designerbiografier
Hæftet, softcover
240 sider
Engelsk + dansk
ISBN 978-87-974108-0-6
Kan købes hos diverse boghandlere så som Saxo, Gucca eller New Mags samt i butikken hos Design Museum Danmark.
Used Logos limited hardcover edition with dust jacket produced in collaboration with Majgren bookbinderi in Copenhagen.
Selected logos designed by Kursiv 2008 – present
Kursiv is a communication design practice founded by Peter Graabæk, that specialises in logo design and brand identity systems.
Peter Graabæk is also founding partner of the analysis company Typ, which provides a scientific basis for optimizing brand typography for varying reading situations.
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